Mexico Car Insurance Paves the Way for a Safe South-of-the-Border Vacation!

Have you ever dreamed about heading down to Mexico and exploring it at your own leisure? Whether you’d like to travel down the entire length of the gorgeous Baja peninsula or drive clear to the Guatemalan border, it’s imperative to have top-notch Mexico car insurance. Without insurance, you run the very real risk of ending up in jail at some point. You have to be able to produce proof of valid Mexican auto insurance online in the aftermath of an auto accident. If you can’t do so, the police are within their rights to take you to jail. Learn additional reasons to purchase Mexico car insurance coverage below.

Mexico car insurance


Avoid Legal Woes

Mexican law is a lot different from American or Canadian law. In the event of an accident, everyone who is involved is treated like they are guilty until the cops’ investigation is complete. In the meantime, they have to make sure that everyone can pay for any medical or repair bills that result due to the accident. That’s where car insurance for Mexico comes into play. Mexican auto insurance online is the easiest way to prove to the cops that you can handle your financial obligations. Without it, you won’t have a leg to stand on and you will go to jail.

Mexican vacation


Why Jail?

The police in Mexico will take you to jail if you don’t have car insurance for Mexico. This is because they can’t be sure that you’ll stick around on your own. If they let you go and it turns out that you were to blame, they will need you to return. However, you could easily leave the country or otherwise make yourself scarce. It’s a risk that they can’t afford to run, which is why they have to detain you in a jail cell. The worst part of all is there’s no way to know how long you’ll be behind bars.

Keep Your Money Safe

Mexican auto insurance is also important because it protects you financially. Without it, you could be left owing hundreds or even thousands of dollars. A full-coverage policy will also protect your own vehicle. If you don’t have that coverage, you could end up having to pay a huge amount of money to make your car operable again. In other words, you might have to fork over a ton of cash just to be able to get back home. Avoid all of these perils by purchasing top-quality Mexico car insurance every time.