Mexico Auto Insurance; Thanks, We agree!

Senor Mex Says: Hola! Thank you for the informative post. Its curious how so many people who travel to Mexico fail to consider the fact that vandalism is not covered by regular Mexico auto insurance. After all, basic car insurance policies in the U.S. and Canada rarely cover those types of things either. While a regular Mexico auto insurance policy will come to the rescue if your vehicle is completely stolen, it wont do a whole lot for you if someone keys your car or smashes out its windows. If your car is especially valuable, it may be worth it to invest in an optional vandalism endorsement. As your post notes, this type of coverage is usually purchased in addition to a regular policy. Its not right for all drivers, but it can make a huge difference for people who have especially pricey or expensive cars. MexPro Post

“How do you solve this problem? Most Mexican auto insurance companies offer vandalism as an extended coverage or optional endorsement. The extended policy or endorsement provides coverage for vandalism and is usually subject to a fixed deductible.”

Read the whole blog post here. Not sure whether or not vandalism coverage is right for you? Take the price of your car into consideration. If youre traveling to a high-crime area, it may also be worth it. No matter what, always buy Mexico auto insurance at Mexican Insurance Store before visiting Mexico.