Mexican Car Insurance; Lol Tun Sounds Amazing!


Senor Mex Says: After reading this article, I feel like jumping in my car and driving down to the Yucatan! Lol, Tun sounds truly amazing. Of course, I would never even attempt to make the journey without buying Mexican car insurance first. It amazes me to hear about how many people choose to run the risk of driving in Mexico without proper coverage. Those people are routinely shocked to wind up in jail after car accidents. This is completely avoidable, and there’s no good excuse to claim ignorance about the need for Mexican car insurance. A quick online search will show you that this type of coverage is imperative. Anyone who says that they didn’t know about car insurance for Mexico simply wasn’t thinking ahead. If I wanted to go visit Lol Tun right now, I would go online and buy a policy first. Once that was out of the way, I would hit the road for that amazing cave system!

Baja Mexico Travels Post

“If you want to enjoy your Mexican trip without any hindrance, you should not neglect Mexican auto insurance. However, there are travelers who are not obtaining Mexican car insurance. Not having quality Mexico car insurance in case of an at-fault auto accident can lead to detention.”

Check out the whole Baja Mexico Travels post. Don’t leave home without buying Mexican car insurance at first. Car insurance for Mexico is a must for all savvy travelers!