Mexican Car Insurance Coverage Including Essential Things to Bring to Mexico

Mexican Car Insurance Coverage Including Essential Things to Bring to Mexico

No one wants to leave important things behind when traveling to Mexico. One way to minimize the risk of that happening is by creating a checklist. One thing that needs to be featured prominently on the list is Mexican car insurance coverage. If you are going to drive a car while you’re south of the border, you absolutely, positively need to have valid coverage at all times. The consequences of driving without a good Mexican insurance policy can be dire. You might even end up in jail. Learn about a few more things to bring along besides Mexican Car Insurance coverage on your trip below. Valid protection is essential as a Mexican insurance policy can keep you from being detained in a car accident.


If you use prescription medications, make sure to bring them along. However, bring your actual prescriptions too. Not surprisingly, the authorities in Mexico are extremely sensitive about drugs of any kind. Many prescription medications are controlled substances, and the cops won’t be happy if you are carrying them on you without a prescription. As long as you can show that you’re allowed to have the medication, you will be fine. A good thing to do is to store your medications and prescriptions in a single, large baggie.

Mexican Insurance Policy Paperwork

You can forget about getting into Mexico without the correct paperwork. You will need a valid passport. Make sure that it isn’t about to expire. You can also use an enhanced driver’s license. Children who are under the age of 16 don’t technically need passports. However, you will need copies of their birth certificates. Make sure you have your driver’s license and that it isn’t about to expire. Keep everything tucked away safely in a folder or envelope. Then, when the time comes, you’ll be able to produce what is needed quickly. If you drive you must have Mexican car insurance coverage.

Essential Things to Bring to Mexico Including Mexican Car Insurance

Credit Cards

Indeed, credit cards aren’t as widely accepted in Mexico as they are in the United States. However, it would be best if you still planned on using them whenever possible. Never carry too much cash. There are ATMs, so withdraw small amounts of money as needed. It’s the best way to protect yourself.

What essential Things do you Bring to Mexico besides Mexican Car Insurance Coverage?

Top Tips for Avoiding Legal Trouble in Mexico – Mexican Insurance Policy