Mexican Auto Insurance Policies won’t Cover Things Inside Your Car

For some reason, people often have unreasonable expectations about their Mexican auto insurance policies. One common misconception is that this type of coverage will protect the items in your car along with your vehicles such as laptops or cell phones. That simply isn’t true. Like other types of car insurance, Mexican auto insurance doesn’t provide coverage for belongings that you keep in your car. If something is damaged or stolen from your car, you can’t file a claim against your Mexico car insurance policy. If you do, it will be rejected. Instead, you need to take other steps to protect your belongings while you travel south of the border. Your homeowner’s insurance policy usually covers contents away from the premises. U.S., Canadian and Mexican auto insurance policies do not cover this exposure.

Mexican auto insurance policies


Leave the Flashy Things

Be practical when packing for a Mexican vacation. You may be tempted to bring along all your shiny electronic gadgets, but do you really need them? Is it worth it to bring them and have to worry about them the whole time? Are you willing to carry them with you at all times? You can’t plan to just leave them in your car. They will be too tempting to passersby and might be snatched out of your car. Carrying them around is iffy too because they could be easily damaged.

Check with Your Renter’s Insurance or Homeowner’s Insurance

If you decide that you absolutely must bring along expensive items and might leave them in your car while you’re in Mexico, check to see if your homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance will protect you under such circumstances. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that your policy protects certain belongings no matter where you go in the world. You can’t know for sure without checking, so it’s well worth it to make a quick phone call. Even if your insurance does cover these things, you should only bring along what is absolutely necessary.

Mexico vacation


Be a Smart, Safe Traveler

With the exception of a cell phone, you should be able to leave most electronic devices behind. Of course, a GPS system is sure to come in handy too, so you might want to bring it along as well. One option is to invest in a high-quality backpack that allows you to carry these things around with ease. Laptops are heavier and more difficult to carry around all day, so you should probably leave yours behind. By being practical about what you bring, you’re sure to have a safer and more enjoyable time in Mexico.