Mexican auto insurance from Spanish on the Road

Mexican auto insurance from Spanish on the Road

You don’t need to speak Spanish to drive in Mexico. However, some basic driving terminology may be important if you don’t want to have an encounter with the law due to incorrect driving behavior. International road signs may help as you drive, but you will still need a few phrases. Fortunately, you don’t have to speak Spanish to buy Mexican auto insurance from You can handle your transaction by getting Mexico car insurance at, just pay with a major credit card and print out your documents.

Mexican auto insurance from – Understanding the language

One helpful language note that can save you some trouble is recognizing the Spanish ending, -dad. This is equivalent to the English ending, -ity, in a word. Electricidad means electricity. Velocidad means velocity. Ciudad means city. Navidad means nativity although you may think more of the translation, Christmas. In any case, you may encounter some exceptions, but understanding this principle may help you in your communications as you travel.

Velocity is listed in kilometers per hour, noted in Spanish as kilómetros por hora. A speed limit sign noting a speed of 30 km/h is equivalent to approximately 18.5 mph. A general rule of thumb is that the miles per hour is just under two-thirds of the kilometers per hour. Divide by three before multiplying by two, and you’ll have a rough estimate of the correct speed. Remember, if you go off-road, your Mexican auto insurance from is void.

Mexican auto insurance from is required!

If you are stopped for speeding or another infraction, you may be asked to show your Mexico car insurance at Make extra copies of your Mexican auto insurance from so that you don’t hand over your only good copy to an officer. It’s also important to note that authorities have, on occasion, confiscated driver’s licenses from travelers stopped for driving infractions in Mexico. You may want to research international driver’s licenses or carry a copy of your license in case of such a situation. Having to drive to a different city to recover your license could be a serious interruption in your plans.

While most people think they only need to use Mexico car insurance at strictly for accidents, it’s helpful to remember that there are travel assistance features included, especially helpful if you run into any legal problems related to your driving. Mexican auto insurance from policies also include legal and bail bond from all carriers.

Mexican auto insurance from comes with FREE Roadside Assistance


Mexican auto insurance from
Toll booth, Highway 2, Baja California