Manage Your Border Crossings with Mexican Insurance for Baja

While getting into Mexico is typically not a difficult issue, returning to the United States can be a challenge for both pedestrians and motorists. The idea of standing in line for may not be appealing, so ideally you want to travel by car. Whether you choose to travel by automobile or do the border on foot, you can better prepare for entry into the U.S. with the Border Wait Time app. Note: Authorities now require Mexican insurance for Baja on any Federal highway in Mexico.

Rosarito Baja California

App Specifics

The Border Wait Time app is currently only available for Android devices through Google Play. However, there are reportedly plans for an IOS version, meaning that those iPhone and iPad aficionados will also soon have access. The app only supports wait time information for entry back into the U.S. at Mexican and Canadian borders. You can report your own wait time to contribute to the community-based information, or study graphs of historical information to organize your exit time. Or find the closest port of entry as you plan your route out of Mexico. This is particularly useful for those leaving through Tijuana who desire the best option.

Those with SENTRI, NEXUS, or Fast passes can find information about these lanes as well. Those who lack these passes may find that the app offers enough information.

Look at the Historical Data of Baja Travels

Additionally, you may find that historical data helps in setting the dates. Should you leave on the most active days of the week or when driving activity is calmer? Typically, commute traffic is heavy on weekday mornings, but mid-morning crossing times are much quicker. Weekend traffic out of the country is typically heavy. If you extend your stay to avoid a lengthy border wait, be sure to extend your Mexican insurance for Baja as well.