Is Liability-Only Mexico Car Insurance Okay?

When doing research about traveling to Mexico, you’re sure to discover that Mexican authorities require Mexico car insurance if you’re going to operate a motor vehicle. Indeed, the law doesn’t explicitly list car insurance as a requirement. However, it does say that every driver must be able to prove that he can make good on his financial responsibilities in the aftermath of an accident. Otherwise they hold you. Therefore, you definitely need it. Technically, liability-only Mexico car insurance will suffice. However, it’s almost always best to “splurge” and buy full-coverage Mexico car insurance to cover Theft and other physical damage exposures.

liability-only Mexico car insurance

The Bare Minimum Mexico Car Insurance

At the absolute minimum, you need to have liability-only Mexico Car insurance. This type of policy will cover any damages or injuries that you cause to other drivers. However, it does nothing for you. The law states that you have to have liability-only, at the minimum, because you need to be able to pay for any damages or injuries that you cause. It takes two to tango, though, and your car could be damaged too. If that happens, you’ll wish that you’d invested in comprehensive Mexican auto insurance instead.


One thing that keeps people from buying full-coverage Mexican auto insurance is pricing. They automatically assume that it’s going to be prohibitively expensive, but that simply isn’t true. It will surely surprise you when you get a quote for full-coverage car insurance for Mexico. The longer you will be in Mexico the more it will cost, but that’s okay. You need to keep in mind that accidents can and do happen. If you’re unlucky enough to be involved in one, you’d better hope that you are adequately protected. A full-coverage Mexico car insurance policy will definitely come to the rescue in such a situation.

No Jail

It’s true that you don’t have to worry about going to jail if you present a valid, liability-only Mexico car insurance policy. That’s nice and everything, but what happens when you go to file a claim? That type of policy isn’t going to do a thing in terms of damages to your own car. You could be left holding a really steep bill. If your car is rendered inoperable, you’ll have no choice but to have it repaired before you’re able to leave the country. That would be quite unfortunate, so make sure to get the right coverage before you go to Mexico. Quality auto insurance from popular online providers such as Mexican Insurance allow you to repair your vehicle when you get home. Most providers , especially at the border only allow you to repair your vehicle in Mexico.