Don’t Buy Mexico car Insurance at the Border!

Senor Mex says: The advice in this post is going to lead many people astray! It suggests that you should shop around among the shacks at the border before buying Mexico car insurance at Here’s the problem: You should never buy Mexico car insurance at the border! It’s way better to buy Mexico car insurance online. For one thing, it will save you a boatload of money. For another, it will allow you to avoid a lot of hassle. Finally, it allows you to avoid getting a weak unrated policy. The majority of the policies sold at the border are UNRATED. It would be impossible to figure out whether they can pay the next claim, and who needs that kind of stress when solid Mexico car Insurance company policies are easily available which are far more comprehensive for the same rate? Whatever you do, don’t ever buy Mexico car insurance from one of those sketchy shacks at the border. Can you imagine shopping at three stores before you purchased insurance? You are supposed to be on vacation.
Daily Dollar Post

” To be sure, check with your insurance agent or insurance company representative. Read more about whether you should decline extra rental car insurance in the Insurance section of DailyDollar. You can also buy Mexican car insurance in several American border towns. There are typically several storefronts selling Mexican car insurance near the border so shop around at two or three before choosing a provider. Learn more car insurance tips for driving outside the United States from other reliable sources such as AAA.”

Take a look at the Daily Dollar post by clicking here. Protect yourself by purchasing Mexico car insurance online every time.