Cute Commercial and Good Car Insurance for Mexico Info!

Senor Mex Says: Wow, what a cute and funny ad! I especially like the part where the dog’s wearing a sombrero and eating a burrito – classic! Anyway, the ad also touches upon a very important point: buying car insurance for Mexico online. It amazes me to see the people who line up at the shacks at the border to buy their car insurance for Mexico insurance policies. Don’t they realize that they could save a lot of time, money and hassle by purchasing their car insurance for Mexico coverage online? I mean, this ad shows that a dog knows this; people should know it too! If you are thinking about driving around down in Mexico, it’s crucial to protect yourself with quality car insurance for Mexico. You do not need to buy that coverage at the border. In fact, you shouldn’t! You should just go online and buy car insurance for Mexico before you leave. It only takes a few short minutes, and it will make your trip much easier! Post

“Fletch daydreams about how much fun he had on his last trip to Mexico and comes up with a brilliant idea…..he gets online and buys a Mexican auto insurance policy from Baja to give to his owner. His plan to get back to Mexico works.”

Read the whole post. Are you ready to escape from it all in sunny Mexico? Buy your car insurance for Mexico at Mexican Insurance Store online first!