Add Checking Mexican Auto Insurance Reviews to Your To-Do Checklist for Traveling to Mexico

A Mexican getaway is sure to be a lot of fun. To ensure the most enjoyable vacation possible, you should take care of a few things prior to leaving. Being organized is half the battle, so why not use a checklist? It’s definitely wise to use a checklist to ensure that you pack everything that you need. Packing a suitcase is just one piece of the puzzle though. To get you started, we’ve compiled a quick and easy checklist of things you should do before hitting the road for Mexico. You will find it directly below.

Things to Do before Heading Down to Mexico

There are many small but important things to do before embarking on a Mexican road trip. From checking Mexican auto insurance reviews at to making hotel reservations, you should take care of as many things as possible: You need Mexican auto insurance coverage because US and Canadian insurance is invalid in Mexico.

  • Well before leaving, make sure that your passport is still valid. Look at the expiration date; is it getting close? If so, you might want to renew your passport to avoid any problems. Make sure that everyone who will be traveling with you has valid passports as well. The only exception would be children under age 16; they only need birth certificates.
  • About a week before hitting the road, go online and find a high-quality Mexican insurance policy. You’ll get the lowest prices online, and you will be able to zero in on the policy that’s right for you. When you go to print out your policy, print a few extra copies as well. Put at least a few of them immediately in your car, and put another copy in your purse or wallet.
  • Try to make your hotel reservations as early as possible. That’s especially important if you’ll be visiting a popular beach resort town during the tourist season, which is generally during the winter. If you wait until the last minute, you might not get what you want. You’ll definitely pay more.
  • Plot your course. Try to have a game plan in terms of how you’ll get where you need to go. Buy several paper maps, but try to get your hands on a GPS as well. Make sure that the GPS has up-to-date maps of Mexico. If not, you should be able to download them online. Just remember to add checking Mexican auto insurance reviews to Your To-Do Checklist for Traveling to Mexico
  • With these steps out of the way, you should be able to have a smooth, fun adventure in Mexico.