Car Insurance for Mexico Online; Driving with Topes

For the most part, driving in Mexico is like driving in the U.S. or Canada. For instance, people drive on the right side of the road, and there are speed limit signs in most areas that you should obey. However, there are a few crucial differences that you should be aware of too, or you could find yourself in hot water. For instance, did you know you need car insurance for Mexico online? If you get into an accident and don’t have Mexican insurance for vacationers online, you could be detained and might have to pay a lot of money. Read here to find affordable car insurance for Mexico online options. Mexican insurance for vacationers saves you time, money, and frustration.


One thing that takes people by surprise when driving in Mexico for the first time is the widespread use of massive speed bumps called topes. These are like regular speed bumps on steroids, and they can damage your vehicle if you don’t handle them correctly. Always drive very slowly and gingerly over topes when you encounter them. As tempting as it may be to maintain your speed, it is a recipe for disaster.

Toll Roads

In the U.S. and Canada, freeway toll roads are usually about the same conditions as regular roads. That’s not the case in Mexico, where secondary roads are often in less than perfect shape. Furthermore, many freeway toll roads in Mexico offer more direct routes to popular destinations. You have to pay a toll, but it is minimal. Your toll includes limited insurance if the roadway causes an accident (rare). Still, it’s not designed to take the place of regular car insurance for Mexico online, so make sure to keep valid Mexican insurance for vacationers online and policy with you at all times.

Car Insurance for Mexico Online

Despite some rumors to the contrary, car insurance for Mexico online is not an option. (You could post a bond or pay cash or write a check to secure your release, however). The police will not look the other way if you get into an accident and don’t have car insurance for Mexico online policy. Bribing them won’t work either. If you get into a crash and don’t have valid coverage, the authorities will take you to jail. They will make you stay there until they’re done investigating the incident. After that, you may be held liable for the other driver’s medical and repair bills, and you’ll have no choice but to pay them out of your pocket. Just get Mexican insurance online to avoid this issue.

Do you buy Car Insurance for Mexico online when Driving to Mexico?

Car Insurance for Mexico online

Learn more about Driving in Mexico with Topes Driving with Topes

Mexico Insurance Policy Coverage and Traffic Driving in Mexico