Topes in Mexico and Online Mexico Car Insurance!

Senor Mex says: One thing that often startles people who are visiting Mexico for the first time is the proliferation of oversize speed bumps that are found throughout the country. These speed bumps are called topes, and they can do serious damage to your car if you’re not careful. It’s critical to proceed with caution over them, and you should slow to an absolute crawl before doing so. Regardless of which online Mexico car insurance policy you buy, if your car is damaged because you’re careless about driving over a tope, your MexicanInsuranceStore online Mexico car insurance policy may not cover it.

Rob’s Ramblings Post

The first thing you will notice is the topes (lane wide speed bumps). Sure, you will find these north of the border as well, though not as many as you will find in Mexico. They can be anywhere. They may or may not be at the entrance to a town, on an approach or leaving a bridge or curve in the road, probably in front of a school or government building, at a major intersection and they certainly will be located wherever you see someone standing in the middle of the road selling something or begging for spare coins.

 Watch out for topes in Mexico to stay as safe as possible and make sure you have quality online Mexico car insurance.