Interesting Mexican Insurance Question!

Senor Mex Says: It’s interesting to see a question that’s sort of the opposite of what I usually see online! Most people seem to be looking for Mexican insurance for their U.S. vehicles, not for U.S. insurance for their Mexican vehicles! I deal primarily with Mexican Insurance. I imagine that it can’t be too terribly difficult to find coverage in the States though. As long as you have a U.S. driver’s license, I would think that many companies would be happy to sell you policies. Of course, you should really pick up the phone and speak with an insurance agent yourself. Advice on the Internet is great, but you don’t want to run the risk of driving around without the right Mexican Insurance paperwork. At least in the U.S., you won’t end up in jail if you get into an accident and don’t have insurance. That possibility is all too real south of the border, as you probably already know. Good luck with your quest to find coverage for your Mexican car in the U.S.!

Car Insurance Post

“I bought a car in Mexico and need to bring it to the US where can I buy the insurance for it and around how much does it cost?”

Read the whole Car Insurance post here. If you ever run into the opposite situation, remember to buy Mexico Insurance from Mexican Insurance Store online!